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4 Ways Tech Can Help Preserve the Planet and Your Pocketbook

4 Ways Tech Can Help Preserve the Planet and Your Pocketbook

The future is getting smarter. From smartphones to smart houses, technology can help you work more efficiently. While enjoying the assistance you get from technology, don’t forget that ultimately technology is just a tool. You get to control which gadgets you need and how much your life relies on them. It’s a tool that you can use to save time, money — and the planet.

The world has been so mesmerized by the gadgets inside their homes, that they’ve ignored what’s happening outside. Just like you monitor the thermostat at home, you need to pay attention to environmental issues too. While you may have no control over the emissions released by factories, there are ways to help on an individual level.

While production and consumption of technology may be associated with more pollution and waste, it’s not all bad news. Here are four budget-friendly tips on how to leverage technology to reduce your environmental footprint.

1. Recharge Resources

Nature provides you with an unlimited supply of green energy if you take the initiative to harness it. Whether looking at solar power or wind energy, harnessing that power can save you money in more ways than one. A bright, sunny day makes most people feel good. It can make you feel even better by reducing your electric bill.

A home solar installation can not only power up your entire house,  but it may also increase the value of your home. In many places, there are federal and state incentives supporting this eco-friendly initiative. Many governments and utility companies offer incentives and tax benefits to promote the adoption of renewable energy

Many countries offer net metering or feed-in tariff programs. Net metering allows solar power system owners to receive credit for excess electricity they produce and feed into the grid, offsetting their electricity bills. Feed-in tariffs provide a fixed payment for the electricity generated by solar power systems, incentivizing solar energy production and helping to recover the initial investment.

Similar programs exist for wind energy, meaning they can save or earn money. In addition, wind energy is generally cheaper in the long term compared to conventional energy sources, as wind is free and abundant. Even better, they also help the planet. By generating clean electricity, windmills reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

2. Save Water

Other home investments which protect the environment involve conserving water. Installing water-saving showerheads and low-flush model toilets can reduce wastage of water in the bathroom, significantly lowering your water bill. In your garden, use rain barrels to save and reuse rainwater. Automated watering systems with built-in moisture sensors are the best way to ensure your lawn gets the right amount of water.

Another avenue for water waste is from appliances like washing machines and dishwashers. Consider replacing them with an energy-efficient alternative. That’s double the savings as both your water and electricity bill can be reduced in one go. Read the specifications carefully before buying so you can compare both the annual energy savings and operating costs. Energy-efficient appliances reduce greenhouse gasses emission that trap harmful radiation.

The list of water-conserving appliances is long, but installing a water meter to discover leaks should be a top priority. By installing a water meter, you can monitor your water usage and identify any sudden increases that might indicate a leak. Fixing leaks promptly can prevent unnecessary expenses.

You may find out that the biggest contributor to the water bill is not a leak, but a family member. Sit down with your family and explain how and why saving water is important. Remind them to turn off the faucet when brushing their teeth. Discuss ways to reuse water that’s wasted while washing dishes or taking a shower. For example, you could place a bucket in the shower to catch excess water and use it to then water plants.

3. Embrace Digital Transactions

The rise of digital transactions can help the environment in more ways than you think, and in some ways, they can also help your wallet. Switching to online banking gives you live access to your account, so you’re always aware of what you have in the bank. You can also set up automatic payments on recurring expenses or set alerts if funds are low. Not only has this revolutionized the banking industry but it’s also helped the planet by reducing tedious paperwork and branch visits.

Digital transactions have also improved shopping. Traditional brick-and-mortar stores can have a negative impact on the environment due to factors like transportation emissions and store utility bills. While the environmental impact of e-commerce is a complex issue, discounts, coupons, and price matching may help you save money. And in some ways, online shopping can offer environmental benefits, such as reduced transportation emissions from fewer individual trips to physical stores.

That said, e-commerce has its own environmental challenges. The overall environmental impact depends on factors such as the efficiency of transportation systems, packaging materials used, and the energy sources powering the online infrastructure. To minimize the environmental impact of e-commerce, consider sustainable packaging options, support businesses with green practices, and advocate for improved energy efficiency.

4. Try Modern Transportation

If you aren’t working from home, explore ways to commute in a way that’s better for your budget and the environment. Instead of polluting the air by driving, try public transport or ride sharing. Not only will it be cheaper, but the commute will give you some me-time. Finishing off a book or taking a power nap is so much better than driving in heavy traffic.

If you do choose to drive yourself, consider a more eco-friendly option. The world is slowly but steadily turning toward electric cars. While saving the planet by reducing pollution is important, so is saving time and money by charging your car overnight. Electric vehicles, like solar panels and wind-turbines, have a higher initial cost, but they save money in the long run. Not only that, the government may also provide tax rebates to support these initiatives.

Get Others Involved

Being eco-friendly is not a one-time deal. It is a mindset which dictates all your actions. What you buy, what you eat, what you wear, and how you commute speaks volumes about your commitment to the planet.

Understand how your actions impact the environment and then spread the word so that others get involved too. Sometimes, the virtual world is the best place to connect. From scientific webinars to TikTok challenges, social media can help make people aware of the dangers of climate change. The goal is to awaken a sense of responsibility among the younger generations. After all, the future belongs to them.