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About Us Logo is a news publishing website that keeps its readers updated with the latest Sports, Entertainment, TV, Technology, Health, and Science news. We make sure to provide our readers with the latest news that is trending around the world. History was originally an Austrian social networking and microblogging website. It was launched in 2007, attracting 6 million users per month by the year 2020.

As the network grew over time, maintaining the website and server cost had gone over their budget. Since the site was not generating any revenue, the owners of had decided to sell the website with its content.

While the asking price was high with its content, the owners decided to sell just the domain to an Australian entrepreneur named Haider Ali in the year 2020. Team

Owner and CEO

The owner and CEO of is Haider Ali Khan, a well-known Australian entrepreneur, investor, author, and cybersecurity expert.

As of today, he is the founder and CEO of multiple successful online businesses,.

Haider Ali’s date of birth is September 22, 1993 – making him one of the youngest entrepreneurs from Australia.

Authors parent Organization parent Organization is Web Orange Limited. The organization is a registered company in Hong Kong.


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